If you love hiking, camping, or any outdoor activity, you know how important it is to have food that is easy to prepare and doesn’t weigh you down. Instant meals have become a popular solution for outdoor enthusiasts. They are lightweight, compact, and easily prepared with hot water. In this blog post, we will be reviewing Tactical Foodpack, an Estonian brand of freeze-dried products that offer a variety of instant meals for all types of adventurers.

Dehydrated Food vs. Freeze-Dried Food
Before we dive into the Tactical Foodpack review, let’s discuss the difference between dehydrated and freeze-dried foods. Both are lightweight, easy to store, and have a long shelf life.
However, freeze-dried foods offer a longer shelf life, lower moisture content, and generally taste better than dehydrated foods. Freeze-dried foods rehydrate faster and also retain their original shape, texture, and color. A far greater variety of foods can be freeze-dried than can be dehydrated. For example, Tactical Foodpack’s meal shelf life is eight years (and shorter for snacks).
Tactical Foodpack Review
Tactical Foodpack is an Estonian brand of freeze-dried products. They offer a wide range of instant meals that are easy to prepare and use in outdoors. The food is made with 100% natural ingredients and tastes great.

Their meals were designed by Special Forces to work perfectly in rough conditions with ease. Their products are perfect for Special Forces and anyone who pursues an active lifestyle appreciates comfort and a healthy diet. You can eat them while going on adventures or if you want to store food in case of an emergency. Tactical Foodpack products have an 8-year shelf life after the product date due to its unique technology.
We have tested several kids friendly and vegan products and also a few meaty options too by our friends help. 🙂
Instant Camping Meals for Kids

Tactical Foodpack offers a variety of instant meals that are perfect for kids. They are easy to prepare and come in popular flavors like mashed potatoes with chicken or mac and cheese. They also offer healthy snacks like peach or apple chips. Moreover, their combo’s comes in a simple but fun backpack-like packaging.

But what’s even cooler is that Tactical Foodpack includes a surprise toy in their meals. We got a yoyo, pencils, a small coloring notebook, and a foldable soft frisbee during our review. They can occupy your little ones well while you boil the water and prepare their food!
Freeze-Dried Vegetarian and Vegan Meals for Hiking
Tactical Foodpack offers a variety of vegetarian and vegan meals that are perfect for hiking. Not many brands offer many vegan meals, and Tactical Foodpack’s meals are tasty and personally tested.

During our review, we tried their 3 Meal Ration VEGAN 594g option. It contained Rice and Veggies, Veggie Wok and Noodles, and Moroccan Lentils Pot. You can find rye bread, fruit stripes, and freeze-dried apple chips for snacks. You can enjoy hot tea or coffee with your meals.
Tactical Foodpack is definitely one of the best freeze-dried food suppliers for camping, hiking, and outdoor adventures.

Easy to prepare ***
Plenty of options for Meat Eaters
Tactical Foodpack offers a variety of options for meat eaters as well. Their rations Golf, Hotel, and India are designed to help you plan your time and meals. The high-nutrition packs include three Tactical Foodpack meals and various snacks. You can make coffee or cocoa for a refreshing drink. Extras include a spoon, a tactical drinking cup, and a tactical shower, and disinfectant hand wipes are provided for personal hygiene. The ration bag is resealable, so you can easily store any leftover food.

One of their most popular product is Weekpack Alpha 2080g. A perfect combo pack for one week for one person, and it includes 21 meals in total. You can find a vegetarian option too for a week-long hiking.
In conclusion, having the proper instant meals is crucial for a successful outdoor adventure, whether you’re hiking or camping. Tactical Foodpack offers a variety of freeze-dried options that cater to different dietary needs and preferences. With their 100% natural ingredients, great taste, and long shelf life, these instant meals are perfect for anyone who loves the outdoors and values convenience and healthy eating. So, if you’re planning your next outdoor adventure, make sure to check out Tactical Foodpack’s range of instant meals.
The photos marked with *** in this article are supplied by Tactical Foodpack.