Type of travel


We often travel with our big or small backpack only. Limited items but a lot of fun!



One or multi-day hiking trips. In Tatra, Norway, Brazil, Southeast Asia, the Balkans etc. Often sleeping in a tent with a great view!


Car trips

When we have limited time (e.g. weekend during busy working weeks) it gives us flexibility and we can reach nature fast. We had car trips only in Europe so far.


City trips

Cities are everywhere. We categorized our visit as city trip, when we didn’t go to nature. Sometimes it is great to explore museums, nice restaurants or just get lost in any city.



So far we didn’t have any trip where we only hitchhiked. But we like to combine them with other ways of transport. In Finland it is a great way to get to national parks if you don’t have a car. In Asia it is a perfect way to get places where the buses are rare or you just need some company.