Hiking jackets are many of a kind. They’re available in multiple forms and are supposed to be selected by the user as per their requirements. The best hiking jackets should be the one that contributes to your need and where you decide to hike. Some types are only made to provide warmth, and some only protect you from the rain. They’re all typically made from special material to provide certain claims they have to offer. There are some special jackets for extreme cold too (check out our reviews if you are looking for those!). To ensure the best quality make sure you select the one which is preferable to your needs. Discussed below are a few of the best hiking jackets according to our selection.
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Product | Price Range | Good to Know |
FROGG TOGGS Large waterproof jacket For Men and For Women | $$ | The sleeve and body might be longer than your usual size |
Columbia fleece jacket For Women, For Men, and for Children | $$-$$$ | Check the size charts before ordering for the best fit |
Lightweight Avoogue packable windproof jacket for Men and Women | $ | Only water-resistant, not waterproof |
TEZO windproof jacket for Men | $$ | Sizing may be a little too big as compared to normal clothing |
COOFANDY lightweight waterproof raincoat – Unisex model | $ | Can be washed but not ironed |
Things to consider when getting the hiking jackets
These are things you should keep in mind when buying a good hiking jacket. Many of these aspects are similar to buying hiking shoes or other equipment.
Your needs
You may have already read that most hiking jackets are made according to the need of the users. There are certain things which each jacket provides. So, what may be your needs? You should keep in mind the fact that you mostly decide to hike. If the place you hike is windy, then you should opt for a windproof jacket. If your hiking destination is mostly raining, then go for a rainproof jacket. And naturally, if your destination is cold, you should opt for a fleece jacket that keeps you warm through and through. If it is very cold, you need a special jacket. The list goes on, and so do your needs. So choose according to what you may need.
Jackets may not sometimes include things such as pockets or even hoods to help you with your extra needs. These may be things that are preferred by users, and you should keep an eye out for these. If you need the extra hood and like the look, you should opt for something as such. If you want pockets, then make sure your pockets are available and preferably have zippers to keep the material inside safe.
There is also an option for foldable jackets, which fold up to be very small and can easily be kept in packages that are easier to carry while hiking.
Most clothes such as these are available in multiple sizes and are pretty easy to choose from. But what you should keep in mind is the fact that sometimes these may vary in size from normal clothing. They may be a tad smaller or a bit bigger than what you’re used to. Such as you should make sure you’re checking with the seller or referring strictly to the size guide to not waste any money or time on shipping and delivery.
The Best Jackets for Hiking
The list is in no preference order.
FROGG TOGGS Large waterproof jacket
Check the availability For Women
For those who adore hiking in the rain and live for a little challenge in life, these jackets are for you. These are a few of the best hiking rain jackets. The best part about these is the fact they’re breathable. Finding rain jackets that let you breathe is pretty hard since a material that blocks out particles from the exterior may not be flexible enough to let your body exert heat to the outside world.
Check the availability For Men
This is a zipper jacket that also has side pockets. These side pockets also have zippers to protect whatever material you put into them waterproof. The jacket also has a hood that can put adjusted through E-Z push cord locks. The waist has an open design that keeps you comfortable and can also be adjusted according to your needs with the same EZ push-lock cords. It’s an extremely easy jacket that can be used anywhere where it might rain, one of the best backpacking rain jackets as well.
- Easy usage
- Has adjustability
- Breathe able.
- The proportions on this jacket are a little hard to grasp since the sleeves and body maybe a little too big, and the neck may be a little too small.
Columbia store Mountain fleece jacket
Amongst the various best-hiking jackets, there is a type that keeps you warm throughout your journey. Considering you may have to hike through the freight cold, you should have a handy dandy fleece jacket that keeps you warm throughout the whole journey. And you guessed it; this is the jacket for you if you need something to keep you warm through the cold mountain hike. It’s made out of 100% polyester MTR filament fleece.
The interior keeps you warm, and the entire thing is made for comfort.
The front has a zipper that can be pulled up to the top, which is joined by a neck extension that will keep you covered from the cold throughout the journey.
The bottom end also has an adjustment tab that lets you shrink the waist. This makes the jacket sit right and protects you even more from the cold—a super-soft jacket best for taking on any cold hike.
Check the availability of Columbia fleece jackets For Women, For Men, and Children
- Great for cold hikes.
- Protects your upper body entirely
- Super secure.
- The mentioned sizes may be a little bit off in reality. Make sure you check the chart sizes appropriately for the perfect fit.
Avoogue store Packable wind proof jacket
For women who want to keep in style and want to purchase something which is both comfortable and in fashion, these are for you. These are jackets which are comfortable and have enough in them to keep you from getting wet from the rain.
These are the best waterproof jackets hiking for women. They are also windproof and rain resistant. They will protect you from harsh winds but can also be good for hiking when the weather is a little damp and has chances of small showers. The jacket also has a hem string that can be used to adjust the sizing and a hood string that can be pulled to keep you tightly packed and protected from the rain.
This is also extremely breathable and can be easily worn in casual times. Whether it is biking, hiking or you want to layer it with casual workout gear, this will work in almost every situation.
A good range of sizes also caters to multiple women and keeps options available for everyone. Check the availability of the Lightweight Avoogue packable windproof jacket for Men and Women
- It can be packed into a carry bag.
- Multi-use
- It can be worn casually.
- Keep in mind this is not waterproof. It is merely water-resistant. It will not hold up in heavy showers.
TEZO windproof jacket
For those who are looking for a hiking jacket that caters to the men’s section of needing a windproof and waterproof jacket, this is the election for you. This is a great choice that is made with high-quality polyester and has seams that are sealed with a 100% TPU membrane. This helps you stay waterproof for a longer time and does not let the water seep into your interior body.
This also has a mesh lining instead of a thick fabric lining to keep things breathable.
For those who like being packed and want to keep things on hand, there are also longer pockets on each side which make it very easy for you to keep keys and your phone in hand and on easy access. The pockets are also zipped, which provides extra waterproofing to ensure mobile phone and electric car keys do not get wet. The good is also detachable and provides ease for the user if the weather turns a little too hot. TEZO windproof jacket for Men.
- Strong material used.
- Windproof hood.
- Breathable lining.
- Sizing may be a little too big as compared to normal clothing.
COOFANDY STORE lightweight waterproof raincoat
Are you a couple that loves to hike together and wants to spend time together? And maybe you’d want something to match on your hikes? Well, here we have it. This is a unisex hiking jacket that can be used to prevent rain from seeping in while you’re on walks.
This jacket is not only waterproof but is also extensively lightweight and is a good contender for the best waterproof walking jacket.
This has a waxy layer on the top which prevents water from seeping in. This can be easily washed with your hands but do not iron it. The jacket is also pretty minimal and can be folded into a small package which can be taken anywhere you desire. The whole thing also has a set of trousers which can be worn to make things look a lot more athletic. This jacket can also be worn very easily on casual days to fight against rain and protect you from harsh winds.
It is a great jacket overall and is good for both men and women, and is designed to fit each gender accordingly. Find Unisex model
- Unisex
- Easy to use
- It has a protective layer for waterproofing
- It has a machine wash feature but can not be ironed.
Hiking is a great sport that builds up stamina and makes you a lot stronger internally. The oxygen levels you initially have can improve, and you will start to feel healthier with a stronger body. To help with this sport, you need the proper attire to go along with it. So always make sure you’re choosing the right clothing to support your habit. These jackets are essential and great for any hiker.
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About the Author

Katalin is a Lapland-based outdoor enthusiast who loves hiking, road-tripping, and traveling with her family. She spends her free time far away from civilization in one of the national parks around the world, explores off-the-beaten-path places, or hops on a road trip with her kids in an RV.
Read more about her adventures and the blog.